Category: Uncategorized

  • Tomely Zeitgeisty Books Bundle

    In the spirit of demurely tooting my own horn, over at Tomely we’re currently running a sorta-neat project: a pay-what-you-want charitable Zeitgeisty Books Bundle. The bundle is full of stories about the internet, startups of all kinds, geekdom, and pervasive technology. Every book in this bundle asks a question: what does it mean to be alive today?…

  • Tooting Your Own Horn

    About a month ago, I was picked to write for The Listserve. I wrote a short-ish piece titled “Tooting Your Own Horn”, looking at how our culture of loud self-promotion makes it difficult for those with small voices and subtle ideas to make themselves heard. Here’s a little bit from the end of it: My…

  • All the online assholes

    We launched Tomely a few weeks back. Almost everything people had to say about it was very nice. Of course, we also got a bunch of support requests and bug reports, but that’s all part of the fun of managing a fledgling web service. One user took things to a level that wasn’t okay. The specifics aren’t important, but he…

  • The Curious Case of Twitter’s #Music App

    Yesterday, Twitter announced #Music, their music discovery platform. It looks beautiful, but conceptually it’s a bit of a mess. (The Verge have a good #Music hands-on, but the idea is that #Music crawls Twitter for links to songs in order to calculate which artists and tracks are ‘trending’ on the network, then allows you to play through those…

  • In Defence of the Floppy Disk Save Symbol

    or “Why The Best Symbol is the One That Gets the Job Done”   For at least the better part of a decade, tech bloggers and designers have batted blog posts back and forth discussing the necessity of replacing the old floppy disk “save” icon with something more “timeless”. Basically, the issue boils down to the fact…